Amicus expands its operation
Amicus expands its operation bringing new capability to market

Over the past two years we have seen Amicus establishing itself as a business, and growing its understanding of leadership needs in the commercial world. We have built a portfolio of military ideas and techniques that provide powerful opportunities for businesses that wish to develop their leadership capacity.
Most companies are striving for the next level of performance, and many are undertaking complex transitions or seeking to hone their competitive edge.
With our support and the application of our products some of our clients have been able to raise their game considerably. Take for example the company that has applied our Principles of War programme to winning market share, and found that it also had a dramatic impact on its employee engagement.
Others companies at the top of their game have invested in us to help them to sustain excellence, especially to prepare their next generation leaders for the challenges they will inevitably face. Leaders focusing on the stewardship of their organisation is much more relevant than worrying about their legacy.
On the strength of this experience we are developing an expanded team of consultants. These are high achievers from long careers in prestigious companies bringing a range of expertise in the financial services and legal sectors. They will complement our people with a proven track record in the military leadership and command sphere.
We specialise in understanding our clients, delivering resilient development programmes and helping them to get the very best from the talent they are employing.
Ultimately Amicus will enable them to improve their bottom line.